there were no announcements when i left. there weren't any either when i returned for break. im sorry if i wasnt able to talk to everyone, or meet up with everyone. but i was always thinking of you.
i honestly didn't know if i could get back. a part of me also didnt want to go back. but im really glad i did. :)
at the end of this trip, i have blisters on my right hand from all the driving i did. i also have a ton of memories and a very grateful heart.
i think, my best smile came when i finally got to my room.
the best driving experience was the one when i kidnapped marj and joanini.
the best food i ate, chicken balls. hands down.
my first hug home, papa.
the person who made me happiest, ryan.
the person i saw the most, marj. abibi's a very close second.
the person who touched me the most, evert.
the person i wish i could have spent more time with, kris.
the person i wish i could have spent time with, sherie.
my biggest accomplishment, i changed and accepted my future.
my biggest (and hopefully, only) regret, 24 hours a day isnt enough to spend with friends.
ill be seeing you in fifteen months :)